Thursday 31 October 2019


Thursday, October 31,2019

Name: Swatantra Sahu

Subject: English 

Course CodeBSC 101
Course Name: B.Sc-B.Ed Integrated
Name of the teacher: Mr. Mahesh Mali
Name of the department: Education and Extension                 

                              What are Adjectives ??                     Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. For a simple and better understanding Adjectives are often referred to as-  ''DESCRIBING WORDS''.                                                                       . A descriptive adjective will usually fit into one of the following categories:-                                                                                 
Appearanceattractive, burly, clean, dusty
Colourazure, blue, cyan, dark
Conditionabsent, broken, careful, dead
Personalityannoying, brave, complex, dizzy
Quantityample, bountiful, countless, deficient
Sensearomatic, bitter, cold, deafening
Size and Shapeangular, broad, circular, deep
Timeancient, brief, concurrent, daily
   On the basis of how andwhere these words(adjectives)
are used after or before nouns or pronounsor verbs ( linking verbs), the broad spectrum of adjectives are divided into various types, which are as follows:


                 TYPES AND EXAMPLES

                                                                                               Example 1: An adjective usually comes directly before the noun or pronoun, it describes (or modifies, as they say ).                 . old man                                                                                              .  green coat                                                                                           . cheerful one                                                                                                                                                                                                      When adjectives are like this, they are called  ''ATTRIBUTIVE ADJECTIVES ''.                                 

Example 2: An adjective can sometimes not come immediately after a noun, it may follow some linking verbs (was, looks and seems), as per the examples given below, to describe the noun or pronoun.                                                                   . Jack was old.                                                                                       .  It looks green.                                                                         Note:  (Adjectives can describe - or modify - pronouns too.)                              
         . He seems cheerful.                                                                                                                                                                                        When adjectives are used like this, they are called ''PREDICATIVE ADJECTIVES ''.

 Example 3: Sometimes, an adjective comes immediately after a noun.                                                                                                    . the Princess Royal  
          . time immemorial
          . body beautiful
          . the best seats available
          . the worst manners imaginable  

     When adjectives are used like this, they're called '' POSTPOSITIVE ADJECTIVES ''. 
        Postpositive adjectives are also most common with pronouns. For example:

            . someone intersting.
             . something evil.

 Example 4: A ''DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES'' modifies a noun (e.g.,that dog) or a pronoun (e.g.,this one) to make it specific. The demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these and those.


demonstrative adjectives

  Example 5:  A single adjective with more than one word are often used for describing. The examples are as follows:
           . Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. (Comedian George Burns)
           . I like the busted-nose look. (Actor Peter Dinklage)

           . Be a good-looking corpse. Leave a good-looking tattoo. ( Actor Ed Westwick)

         When such adjectives a used, they are known as ''COMPOUND ADJECTIVES ''.

                   ORDER OF ADJECTIVES

         When two or more adjectives are strung together, they should be ordered according  to the following list;
1Determinerthe, my, those
2Numberone, two, ninety-nine
3Opinionlovely, attractive, rare
4Sizesmall, medium, large
5Physical Qualitythin, lumpy, cluttered
6Shaperound, square, triangular
7Ageyoung, middle-aged, old
8Colourred, white, blue
9OriginBritish, German, Russian
10Materialwood, metal, plastic
11TypeL-shaped, two-sided, all-purpose
12Purposecooking, supporting, tendering
13Attributive Nounservice, improvement, head

Note :  Sometimes some nouns, participles and infinitives are also used as adjectives.


       Many words that are usually nouns can function as adjectives. For example:
  • autumn colours
  • boat race
  • computer shop
  • Devon cream
  • electricity board
  • fruit fly
Here are some real-life examples:
  • Not all face masks are created equal. (Entrepreneur Hannah Bronfman)
  • You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves. (Premier Joseph Stalin).


       Formed from a verb, a participle is aword that can be used as an adjective. There are two types of participles:


Here are some examples of participles as verbs:
  • The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny." (Writer Isaac Asimov)
  • Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual. (Author Terry Pratchett)
  • While the spoken word can travel faster, you can't take it home in your hand. Only the written word can be absorbed wholly at the convenience of the reader. (Educator Kingman Brewster)
  • We all have friends and loved ones who say 60 is the new 30. No, it's the new 60. (Fashion model Iman)
A participle is classified as a verbal (a verb form that functions as a noun or an adjective).


    An infinitive verb can also be used as adjectives (e.g. to run, to jump).
